1 September 2021
On June 24th 2019, Cabinet approved the FPIM Business Case which included Health NZ (old DHBs) implementing a national Health System Catalogue (HSC) as a foundation to improve procurement and supply chain processes.
NZ Health Partnerships has been tasked with leading this programme of work on behalf of the Health NZ (old DHBs) and the wider Healthcare Sector.
The Health System Catalogue has been built using both international and NZ data standards to ensure global alignment and high data quality.
At this point in time the scope of the programme is focused on medical device suppliers only.
The recommended mechanism for Suppliers providing product data to the HSC is through the GS1 National Product Catalogue (NPC), especially if they publish to multiple recipients.
GS1NZ is here to support you in preparing for the Health System Catalogue.
There is strong alignment on data requirements with Southern Cross Healthcare and Health Source.
As an NPC user, this means leveraging the existing medical device data that you already publish to other healthcare organisations to meet the data requirements of the HSC.
If you are new to the HSC, then we are here to guide you through the process.
The HSC data attributes can be found in the following section.
Created 1.9.21 Updated 4 July 2022