Before any price changes are loaded to the NPC please ensure you have discussed and agreed upon pricing with your Category Manager.
Price Changes:
- If a price record must be changed either for a Price Increase or Price Decrease, the current price record must be end-dated. If you have only 1 or 2 changes, then GS1 recommends using the Change feature available in the price view.
- ALL prices for ITM must have a relevant Price Location-to (GLN) (aka Ship To GLN). If it is a nation-wide price use the GLN Code 9429036079711. If the price is for a specific store or region refer to Regional Pricing guidelines for more information.
- DO NOT release the prices until you have completed both the old and new price record.
- If you have multiple price changes, we recommend you use the Bulk Upload tool for this - if you have not done this before, there is a free Webinar that you can register for to learn how to do this. If you have been trained how to use the Bulk Uploader tool, but need some help completing the process, please contact the Support Team at or 0800 10 23 56.