
NPC May 2018 Feature Updates

The May release contained a small number of new features and the addition of a key validation rule for Woolworths pricing, as summarised below.

New Features:

1. Tasks:

Tasks are now highlighted with a very visible count-of-issues. These are very important to resolve if you see any, particularly for Mitre 10 and Woolworths NZ.



2. Validation Report:

When validating an item the Validation Report can be filtered to show only Errors, only Warnings, or both.



3. Validation Icons:

The icons for attribute validation have been updated as follows


Example of attribute categories showing new icons


New Validation Rule for Woolworths New Zealand

It is critical that pricing for Woolworths New Zealand both the List and Transaction prices are released at the same time.  A Block Rule will now trigger if the prices are not both present and released at the same time.


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