
Which products and prices should I load?

Which products should I load?
Suppliers should only load all products purchased by SCHL over the last 2 years and agreed to be current with SCHL as part of the initial business agreement meeting.  

The scope of the products for inclusion in the catalogue are: 
-          Medical devices and consumables
-          Active products i.e. sold into SCHL over the last 2 years and agreed to be in scope 
-          No pharmaceuticals, capital items, or loan kits
February 2019 - SCHL changed the product range to include Implants whether purchased or on consignment to be included in the data loaded in the NPC.

If you have any questions concerning your product range, please contact Peter Oliver from the SCHL Procurement team to obtain the details on the product range they are expecting from you. 

What price should I load?

A single national price per item, that is applicable to all SCHL hospitals as agreed with the SCHL National Procurement team.
  • Only 1 price should be loaded.  The price should be loaded at the NPC Hierarchy level at which you sell the product to SCHL  - this may be the Base, Inner or Case unit - but please load only 1 price
  • The Price To GLN is 9429033027180
  • Ideally all products purchased by SCHL will be under Contract and therefore the price type loaded to the NPC should be Contract Price
  • If there is no Contract Price, the next option is the Invoice Price must be loaded. In the NPC this is called Transaction Price.
  • If there is no Contract Price and no Invoice Price for the product you sell to SCHL - then please load the List Price
  • If you have a product that SCHL buy through Onelink, please make sure this product is loaded to the NPC and please load the price that you would sell this product to Southern Cross if they were purchasing it direct from you.
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