
Recall Ready

IMPORTANT: Some retailers require you to maintain a Recall Ready status as part of their terms of trade.

The 'Recall Ready' status indicates that your ProductRecallNZ account is up to date and that you are ready to use the service to issue a recall notification in the event of a product issue.

To be Recall Ready, you must have completed the following tasks within the last 12 months:

  • Complete a Mock Notification
  • Confirm your user's details are up to date

If your Recall Ready status is expiring an automated email reminder will be sent to administrators.

Becoming Recall Ready

This section covers how to renew your Recall Ready status. Click each step for more detail.

Note: If you're not following an email link, you can log in to and click on the Organisations and Recall Ready menu to view your Recall Ready status.

Viewing Recall Ready Status
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  1. Click the Login button on the reminder email
  2. Log in to Mock Mode

You will see your organization's current Recall Ready status and the date it expires.

The colour of your status indicates that: green, it is up to date; orange, it is due to expire; red, it has expired, or that you are yet to become Recall Ready.

Checking which tasks are required
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In the Tasks section, the two required tasks and their due dates will be listed. To renew your Recall Ready status, both of these tasks need to be in date

Steps 3 and 4 covers completing these tasks. If one task is already in date, you can skip that step.

Steps to do a Mock Notification
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  1. Click the Create Mock Notification button next to the Mock Notification task
  2. Click Continue
  3. Fill in the Mock Notification by entering all mandatory fields* and adding at least one recipient (subscribed or non-subscribed). Use the Next and Previous buttons to navigate through pages. 
  4. Submit for Approval using the button on Submit screen (last page), then Yes on the pop-up
  5. On the landing page click the Approve / Reject button to view the notification you have submitted for approval.
  6. Click Approve Notification and Yes on the pop-up

To complete this task your mock recall must be approved and have a status of Live.

Note: See our User Administration article for more detail on how you should set up your users.

Confirming users are up to date
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  1. Click the Review Users button next to the Confirmed users up to date task
  2. Add, Edit, or Suspend users if required
  3. Click the Confirm Users Details Up to Date button
  4. Check that the date shown next to Users Last Confirmed is today's date
Confimring status has updated
Click to enlarge

Return to the Organisations and Recall Ready menu and check your Recall Ready status/expiry date.

If it hasn't updated check which of the tasks is still orange or red as these still need to be completed.

If you are having problems, you might want to check out the FAQ section below or get in contact with our support team on 0800 10 23 56

Sharing your status

GS1 shares a list of all Recall Ready statuses with Retailers and Auditors. You might still be asked for proof if you've become Recall Ready after this list was last updated.

To prove that you are Recall Ready you can click on "Export PDF" button on the bottom right corner of the screen (see screesnhot below) or take a screen shot of your Recall Ready status. You can find this in the Organisations and Recall Ready menu. See Step 1: Login and view status for how to get to this menu.



IMPORTANT: This video is being updated. Please see Becoming Recall Ready for an up-to-date guide.


This section offers solutions to common problems you might be having. Read the Mock Notification and User Maintenance articles for more in-depth guides on each task. You can also register for a free webinar.

Check the status of your mock notification.

If it has a status of 'Draft' for 'Submitted for Approval', your notification is not completed. See the Mock Notification guide on how to complete and approve your mock notification.

If it has a status of 'Live', but the due date hasn't been updated, it will be because your notification is a copy or an update. You will need to create a new mock notification for this task to be updated.

This menu is only visible to account administrators and user administrators. If you can't see these menus, it is because you are not an administrator.

To view and update your Recall Ready status you will need to be made an administrator. See the User Maintenance guide for more information on administrator roles.

Only users with an Initiator role can create new notifications.

An administrator from your organization will need to give you this role before you can complete a Mock Notification.

See the User Maintenace guide for more information on user roles.

If the account administrator is still at your organization, they can promote another user to this role. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the User Maintenance guide.

If the account administrator has left your organization, you will need send the full contact details of the new person for the account administrator role to the GS1 Support team. You can contact them at, or on 0800 10 23 56.



Last updated: 26/07/2022

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