The February release contained updates to the logic for a number of validation rules. Several system issues have also been resolved.
Specifically for Mitre 10 additional attributes have been made available to include out-of-box dimensions. GS1 will advise the community when these become required fields for Mitre 10, and implement validation rules at that point.
User interface updates:
1. A new Mark as Done button can be used to mark Errors on multiple items as Done.
2. For Foodstuffs, all suppliers when entering nutritional data need to include "Nutrient Basis Quantity/UOM" whenever Nutrient Basis Quantity Type Code is entered.
GS1 have updated the mouse-over (and Data Dictionary) entries for Nutrient Basis Quantity from:
old: "The basis amount that a nutrient is measured against when it is not serving size."
new: "Usually the same value as serving size unless the basis is a measure like 100 grams."
This now aligns to the global standard for this attribute.
3. Tabs such as Publication Info and Validation Report have been changed to a larger size and darker grey colour.
Known Issues: These will be resolved via a hotfix ASAP
1. Dollar sign to show Prices
When clicking the $ symbol to show an item’s Prices, you must click the Search button to show the Prices.
2. Prices list
When performing an action (e.g. Release), the Prices list will not refresh until you click Refresh or Search.