
Understand data recipient response messages

1.  Responses Messages

When you publish item & price data in the National Product Catalogue you will receive a response from the National Product Catalogue telling you if the publication was successful.



NPC also enables the Retailer who you published your data to, to send a response message back to you. Depending on the response, this may require further ACTION by you.



You can find these responses in the response column in your Items


To view the details of the response message - on the far right of the Items screen - on the same level as the Column Headings - you will find a small arrow - by clicking this a new window on the right hand will open.  Please note - you must select an item line in order to do this.


This new window allows you to Review the Response messages - Click on the Info Tab and then you may need to Click the + sign for the Recipient Feedback to open this section as below


In this example - Woolworths has synchronised the item data in their system, but Foodstuffs have put the item under REVIEW.  To see the detail - click on the word REVIEW - this will open this window.


This window does not increase in size - to read the full message - select the line and this will open the bottom section of this window - use the scroll bar on the right to see all of the message

At the moment Progressive, Mitre 10, PlaceMakers, Mico, Formans and Warehouse stationery provide business level response messages. (For the others you will only receive the system level Responses from the National Product Catalogue).

System Level Responses are not from your Recipient. They only state that the data is in the National Product Catalogue and that your Recipient can see it. 


3. The CIC 'Tasklist'

There is a particular section devoted to Errors and Review messages in the National Product Catalogue. This is called the 'Task List'. This looks exactly the same as the 'Supplier Item List', but you will only find Items with Errors or that you have been asked to Review by your retailer. 


4. Errors

If you find response message  in response column it means that your publication has failed and your data recipient has not seen your data and so you need to immediately get in touch with the GS1 Help Desk - (0800 10 23 56 or 

5. Reviews

All the items with a red exclamation mark  in response column are the ones that your data recipient has requested you to review and update.

The recipient will also provide you with a description as to what they want changed. To see this, select a item, go down into the Preview pane and click the 'CIC SUMMARY' Tab. Then in here Click on the icon  (review response) to bring up the pop up window with details of review message.

(review message is under “Description”, if you can't read this, resize the column by putting the cursor on the line between this column header and the next, your cursor will change to two lines, hold down left mouse button and drag)

5. Resolving the Review response 

Once you have read the Recipients review message, of what they want changed. Simply go into the item, make the change and release the item (green tick) this will send the updated information to your recipient.

For prices that have been reviewed, and the message is "the price is not current" - usually this is from Foodstuffs, please contact the Foodstuffs National PIM Team (database team) to resolve

FS NatPIM email:

FS Phone: 0800-555-985


If you need to resolve an issue related to Woolworths review - email only:



Created   Nov 2017                                                               Last Updated  22/01/2022

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