
Price Record - Correcting a future Start Date/End Date

This article is for a situation where you have entered and released price changes with a future start date and need to a) Change the price change date or b) Change the future price. This only works if the price change date is in the future.

This example highlights how to alter the dates, but you could follow the same methodology to update your future price.

1. Open NPC Publisher and go to your 'Supplier Item List' and find the GTIN you are looking for.

2. Open the current price first, by clicking the $ symbol on that record.

3. Edit the 'End Date/Time', 'Save', and 'Release' the change. 


4. Return to your list of prices using the 'Price Type' button. Now open up your future price, edit the 'Start Date/Time', 'Save', and 'Release' the change. 

You have now updated the date for your price change!


Created:  August 2018                                                         Last Reviewed:  7/01/2020



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