These days we have multiple different ways you may enter data into the NPC. First you should work out which option(s) your company uses.
1) Validation Failed
A possible error is a red highlight and at the left it could say Validation Failed. The GS1 Team will need to resolve this for you. We are notified of these and work through any issues.
2) Stuck in upload
The time taken from submitting data to getting confirmation its through the system varies, however it its been stuck uploading for over an hour, please email us the GTIN(s) so we can get someone to look and fix the problem.
If you see any Failed
If you see this red error message in your National Product Catalogue our advice is to contact the Support Team to help resolve your messaging issue. These Errors are generally simple to fix, but will need to be marked of by an Administrator once resolved.
Please contact us on 0800 10 23 56, or email
Version 1.2 – Updated 24th August 2017