Price changes you make in GS1's National Product Catalogue (NPC) integrate directly with Foodstuffs eXchange.
To carry out a price change for Foodstuffs, GS1 users need to load their price changes in NPC Rapid or NPC Publisher. Once this is complete, these prices will appear in the Foodstuffs eXchange as a list of draft price changes.
Once you've made your price update in NPC Publisher / NPC Rapid, login to the eXchange and get started on your price adjustment. You can then create a new price adjustment using the automated form.
Full instructions are available here.
This tool is available under the Products menu in eXchange.
For further assistance on completing the price adjustment, contact or call 0800 555 985. Otherwise, use the help function within the eXchange portal.
International callers can call +64 3 353 8700 and ask to be put through to the Supplier Support team.
See more about changing list prices for Foodstuffs at