
Uploading product data


If you have lots of products, you can enter them into a spreadsheet and GS1 can upload the data into My Products for you.

To download the spreadsheet template, select Bulk Upload on the My Products screen:


Please note that charges will apply based on the number of products you wish to upload, the amount of data to load and/or how much re-work the data needs. An outline of fees is included with the  template.


Enter your products into the spreadsheet. If a product does not have a barcode number, just leave the column blank and the system will generate one.


Send us a small sample of your product data to start with and we'll review it at no cost to make sure you're on the right track.


Contact the Support Team if you require further information - 0800 10 23 56 


V1.0 7/12/2020

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