
August 2020 Release Overview

This release contains features in the Phase 2 2020 development plan.


New Features


Any search a user conducts can be saved to their individual login account. After a search is done, it can be saved by clicking "Save", next to the search parameters, below the keyword search bar.




The user will be prompted to give their saved search a name for future reference.




Once it is saved, the user will be prompted to either go to their Search Activity or close the dialogue box.




Search Activity can also be accessed at any point from the top of the page or next to the Advanced Search option. The Search Activity page displays all of the user's Saved Searches and Search History. From there, a user can re-run, share, download, and remove their Saved Searches.




They have the same options for their fifty most recent searches in Search History (except removal). Any search can also be re-run by clicking on it's title.




A user can share a search from their Search History, list of Saved Searches, or directly from the results page. To share a search with another user from the results page, click "Share" next to the "Save" option below the keyword search bar.


Enter the email address of another On Pack user and click "Send" to send them an email that contains a link to run whichever search you've shared with them.




Clicking this link will take the recipient to the On Pack webpage. Once they login, the shared search will be run.




There is now a Reset Search option to the right-hand side of the keyword search bar. Clicking this will re-run the search with all search parameters removed.




Users can now narrow their search results down based on nutrient values in the Per 100 g/ml column of Nutrition Information panels on products.




The Nutrient Filter can be found on the left hand side of any Search page or by clicking "Filter", next to the "Save" and "Share" options that appear after running a search.

Users can search for products that have specific amounts of a nutrient by entering both a numerical minimum and maximum amount and clicking "Apply".

Entering "0" into the Minimum field will result in a search that includes products that have "0" for the nutrient value in the Nutrition Information Panel.

Leave the minimum blank to include products with no value for that nutrient.

Leave the maximum blank to include products up to the maximum value in the database.

The search only applies to the most recently captured version of any product.



1 Bug Fix


Search parameters can now be successfully removed by clicking the "x" on the search parameter bubble. At that time the search will automatically re-run without the removed search parameter.


1 Improvement


Numerical Nutrition Information panel values in the excel download sheet are now in number format by default. 


Other Changes




There are access links to the Global GS1 Browser tool, GS1 New Zealand's GPC Lookup tool, and Support Centre at the top of the On Pack webpage.

Clicking "Release Notes" or "Help/FAQ" opens up new tabs accessing GS1 New Zealand's Support Centre. The Support Centre contains helpful articles about On Pack and the Release Notes for developments made to On Pack in 2020.

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