
Progress Reports

This is a Walk-Through guide on how to view and interpret Progress Reports for Notifications sent through the ProductRecallNZ service. It covers:

  1.  Viewing your Progress Reports
  2. Interpreting a Report 
  3. Detailed Reports
  4. Exporting to Excel

1. Viewing Your Progress Reports

The Progress Report is a useful tool that lets you easily track all recipient responses to your live notifications as well as the quantity found by your subscribed recipients.

This visibility of progress can help you plan your next move and give you greater control over the entire recall or withdrawal process.

Note: Your organisation type must be Initiator or Initiator/Receiver to view Progress Reports.

Opening the Progress Report

  1. Navigate to the 'Initiated Notification' menu in
  2. Click the 'Progress Report' button under the notification that you would like to view
    Progress Reports can only be viewed for notifications that have been made live.

2. Interpreting Progress Reports

A notification's Progress Report will show the notification status of all currently added recipients, and the number reported back from subscribed recipients.
Search filters at the top of the page will let you narrow down the progress report by an individual recipient, the status of the recipients, or a date range.


Subscribed recipients

The Status of a subscribed recipient (orange box) can be:

  • Unread: Notification has not been opened.
  • Acknowledged: They have logged in and viewed the notification but have not yet reported back.
  • Not Ranged: The recipient does not stock this product.
  • Complete: They have completed the reporting process.

Quantity Found (green box) is reported by each organisation for each product that has been added to the notification. The totals for each product are also displayed in the totals row at the bottom of the summary report.
For recipients with internal locations, such as supermarkets, you will need to check the 'Rolled Up Quantities Found' box to be able to view the sum of quantities found.
Checking this box will also display a new column 'Not Shared' (blue box). If the box in this column is checked, then the recipient is not sharing their quantity found with you, and you will need to contact them directly.


Non-Subscribed  Recipients

The Status of a non-subscribed recipient can be:

  • Unread: The notification has not been opened.
  • Read: The recipient has followed the link in the email alert and viewed the notification.
  • Failed to Send: The notification has failed to send to one or more email addresses. 

This will be displayed as the total number of recipients with each status, and will be indicated by the number in the blue box next to each status line.

For a Detailed Report showing the status of each individual organisation you will need to Export to Excel.


3. Detailed Reports 

Double clicking a Subscribed Recipient within the Summary Report will show a more detailed report for that Organisation. The Detailed Progress Report shows all reporting activity for a location for a specific notification, and includes a history of changes to:

  • Status of Notification: Including the Time and Date of the Status change, as well as the Name of the User who completed this action.
  • Product Status: Including the Time, Date and change in reported Product Quantities, as well as the Name of the User who updated the quantities and any comments explaining this change.

(click image to expand)



4. Exporting to Excel

To export your Progress Report to Excel, simply click the 'Export to Excel' button in the bottom right corner of the Summary Report screen. Once the file has finished downloading, you will be able to view this report using your chosen spreadsheet software.

For Subscribed Recipients, the Excel report will display the Status of each organisation at the time of the report, the time it took for each recipient to acknowledge the notification and update it to complete, the quantity of stock found for each product on the notification, and any comments made in related to the products.

This report will also list every Non-Subscribed recipient added to the notification and the status of each recipient at the time the report was pulled.

Because the ProductRecallNZ progress reports update in real time, you will need to re-download an excel report to view the latest progress information.



Version 1.0    15 July 2019



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