
What kind of images do I need to supply?

Most retailers we work with, require at least two images.

GS1 New Zealand requires at minimum an 'in packaged' (or as sold in store) front shot image with no plunge (also known as a 2D) and an angled plunge shot image (Also known as a 3D).

Example 2D Front Shot


  • No sides are shown.
  • Straight on product shot.

3D Plunge shot


Front, Left plunge



Front, Centre plunge



Front, Right plunge

The plunge is determined by what looks best for your type of product.

Extra images can be supplied such as:

  • Back shot
  • Out of packaging
  • Staged Marketing image

Almost any product image may be useful to share to your trading partners, However, the above standard 2D and 3D images must be supplied to meet your retailer's core needs.


How to determine my product facing?Screen_Shot_2018-11-16_at_9.51.18_AM.png

The front face is the side of the product with the largest brand. It is usually the face most dominant on the store shelf. From there you can determine the left, top, back, right and bottom. See the above diagram. 


What resolution do my images need to be?

For information on standard quality and resolution Click here for GS1 New Zealand image specifications

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