
How do I supply assets for uploading to MediaLibrary?

Here are the specifications necessary for uploading digital assets (product images, documents and videos) to MediaLibrary. These are reflective of your trading partner requirements. GS1NZ also offers professional photography services


Image Specifications:


File Naming: The image must be named with the GTIN/barcode number.

File Type: JPEG/TIFF

Background Colour: White (RGB 255/255/255)

Colour Mode: sRGB

Resolution: 300ppi

Dimensions: We recommend supplying images at their highest resolution, meeting our standards of minimum 2500 pixels on the longest edge of the product when cropped tight (Trimmed). 


Food & Grocery and Hardware:

  • You must provide at a minimum a front 2D shot and a 3D angled shot of each product. It is encouraged that you provide more product images than this to benefit your brand.
  • Must have a Clipping Path: Clear-cut with one active clipping path named 'Path 1' around the product in the image: Clipping paths (1).pdf.



  • For Healthcare, a 2D front facing image of the whole product. You are welcome to supply any additional secondary images if you wish.
  • Must have a Clipping Path: Clear-cut, with one active clipping path named 'Path 1' around the product in the image: Clipping paths (1).pdf.


Please provide the below information for image(s) in the Product Information Spreadsheet


- Product Description

- Net Content

- Supplier

- Brand

- Sub Brand (if applicable)

- File Type: IMAGE

- Reference File Type Code - Definition of such is included in the spreadsheet under the classification tab.

- Indicate which retailer(s) you would like to access your digital asset(s). E.g selecting yes to Healthcare to allow HSC to use your image.


Video Specifications:

Videos must be 20 MB or smaller.

Videos must be in MP4 file format.

Please provide the below information for videos in the Product Information Spreadsheet

- GTIN (If the video applies to more than 1 GTIN, please list all the associated GTINS)

- Product Description

- Supplier

- Brand

- File Type: VIDEO

- Reference File Type Code - Definition of such is included in the spreadsheet under the classification tab.

- Indicate which retailer(s) you would like to access your digital asset(s). E.g selecting yes to Healthcare to allow HSC to use your video.


Document Specifications:

Must be in PDF file format.

Please provide the below information for document(s) in the Product Information Spreadsheet

- GTIN (If the document applies to more than 1 GTIN, please list all the associated GTINS)

- Product Description

- Supplier

- Brand

- File Type: DOCUMENT

- Reference File Type Code - Option available in drop down list. Definition of such is included in the spreadsheet.

- Issue Date and Expiry Date if applicable (note: this applies when a document has a published validity period.

- Indicate which retailer(s) you would like to access your digital asset(s). E.g selecting yes to Healthcare to allow HSC to use your document.


Please supply assets that meet the required specifications and the completed spreadsheet via a service such as WeTransfer, DropBox or Google Drive addressed to If you have any questions regarding the process, the Photography Team will be more than happy to assist.



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