
Understanding your Organisation Details


Please Note: If you wish to edit any of these details, please email and let them know of the required changes. 

Organisation Name: This field has a drop-down menu as some users will be attached to multiple organisations, or multiple private locations within an organisation. Here, you can select which organisation's details you wish to review. 

Trading As: This is the name the organisation is trading under

NZBN: NZ Business Number is a 13 digit global location number issued by the government that identifies every limited liability company in New Zealand.

GLN: A Global Location Number is a 13 digit number that identifies locations or organisations that do not have an NZ Business Number (NZBN). 

System Settings

Approval Type

Please note: This is relevant for Initiators and Initiator/Receivers only.

Single Step Approval: The process for single step approval is as follows:

Create Notification > Submit for Approval > Approve and Go Live (At the same time)

Two-Step Approval: The process for two-Step Approval is as follows: 

Create Notification > Submit for Approval > Approve > Go Live

Two-Step Approval involves more steps for approving and making live a notification. This is suited to organisations that may wish to follow a defined hierarchy of authority for notifications.

Receive Mock Notifications: This field relates to the Mock System and should be turned off, unless there is a specific reason why the organisation wants to be able to to receive Mock notifications and associated alerts.

Pass-Up Reporting: This option is for Receiver or Initiator/Receiver type organisations only and must be specially set up. If this is set up, the quantity of product that a receiver identifies when reporting back on a notification will be passed up to their designated head/support office.

In the situation of a Private Receiver being a retail store, this will mean that the Head Office will be able to see the quantities reported. 

Include XML Distribution: This field is only currently relevant for Woolworths and Freshchoice/Supervalue. 

Version 1.1: Last updated 26 November 2024

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