Products Screen
This is a walk-through guide of how to fill out the "Products" template while creating a new notification for a recall or withdrawal on ProductRecallNZ.
1. New Product Screen
You cannot issue a notification without adding at least one product. For this reason, the Products screen will initially open on a new product template that looks like this:
Please note: You can add a group or range of products in one notification. However, they must have similarities, such as the brand or product type, or all have the same issue that requires them to be withdrawn or recalled.
In this article, the Pink Text signifies that the field is mandatory.
Packaging Level: This drop-down menu gives you options for the packaging level of the affected goods. The 'Base Unit' refers to the 'Point of Sale' or 'Point of Consumption Unit'. The base unit is the most commonly used 'primary' packaging level. You can also add the case or inner later on this page, under 'Other Packaging Levels'.
GTIN: A GTIN is the Global Trade Item Number - a numerical code used to identify a product. If the product is barcoded, then the GTIN will be the barcode number. If no GTIN exists, an 'Alternate Identifier' must be entered.
If your organisation enters their product data into GS1's National Product Catalogue, some of the ProductRecallNZ product fields can be automatically populated when you enter a GTIN.
Alternate Identifiers
"Add Identifier" Button: If your product does not have a GTIN, alternative identifiers become mandatory. These may include PLUs, Model Numbers or Internal Codes.
Product Details
Product Name: 'Best Practice' is Product type + Variant, eg: Cookies Chocolate Chip
Brand: Enter the brand name here.
Is this a Variable/Random Measure Item?: In some cases, a product may be sold in variable quantities, for example pasta salad at the deli, which could be sold by the gram. If it is variable, please answer 'yes'.
Size (Net Contents): Is a numerical-only field
Unit of Measure: Please select the appropriate unit of measure for the product you are adding
Product Class: This will indicate where the affected goods are being kept for example 'chilled' as opposed to 'shelf stable'.
Style Description: This is a non-mandatory field. This is only present if 'consumer goods' is selected on the 'Product Type' field on the Notification Details screen.
Colour Description: This is a non-mandatory field.
Dangerous Goods Information: Dangerous goods are substances or articles that are potentially dangerous to people, property and the environment. Please enter any dangerous goods codes or HSNO classifications etc. that the affected product may have. Please note: If you enter information into the field, the notification summary will have a note letting the recipients know that these have dangerous goods information.
Packaging Material and Type: This is required. Please briefly describe the packaging of the product eg: a cardboard box.
Product Image: It is highly recommended, but not mandatory to provide an image of the affected goods. Doing this greatly reduces the risk of confusion between similar products.
Please note that the image file must be below 2MB in size. It is recommended that you upload .JPEG or .PNG file types.
Global Product Classification (GPC)
Note: This will automatically populate if you have data in GS1's National Product Catalogue. If you want to manually populate these fields, they will not save until you have entered something into the Brick field.
Segment: Please select from the drop-down menu.
Family: Please select from the drop-down menu.
Class: Please select from the drop-down menu.
Brick: Please select from the drop-down menu.
Code: This will auto-populate from 'Brick' field.
Description: This will auto-populate from 'Brick' field.
Tracking Codes
Tracking Code Type: Please select from the drop-down menu, for example: batch code or best before date.
If no tracking codes are present, select the option "Not applicable- no tracking code."
If all stock is affected, select the option "Not applicable - all stock is affected"
Tracking Code: Enter the tracking code exactly as it appears on the product, eg: 20/12/2016. If multiple codes are affected, enter codes separated by a comma.
If no tracking codes are present or all stock is affected, enter 'N/A' into this field.
Location on Package: This is non-mandatory, but helps to efficiently locate affected goods.
Tracking Code Image: Non-mandatory field.
Other Packaging Levels (Non-Mandatory)
This section should be used for situations where there may still be affected base units within a different packaging level in the warehouse or storeroom, for example a case or pallet.
Packaging Level: Use this section to enter details of another packaging level/configuration. For example if Consumer Unit details have been entered above, this section can be used to enter Inner and/or Case details
Packaging GTIN: Please See Above
Is This Level Sold to Consumers?
Number of Base Units: Indicate the number of base units
Size and Unit of Measure: If you have chosen an Inner Unit or Case Unit - What are the dimensions and unit of measure for these dimensions?
Tracking Code Type:
Tracking Code:
Location on Package:
Tracking Code Image:
Distribution Details
Quantity of Stock Distributed: How much affected stock has been distributed?
Quantity Unit of Measure:
Distribution Area: Where was it distributed?
Distribution Start Date & End Date: Time period in which stock was distributed.
Additional Information
Additional Information: If you have any more information you think is important for identifying the product, please enter it here.
Once you have completed all the mandatory fields and any other relevant non-mandatory fields, please see the buttons at the bottom of the form:
Can be used to cancel out of the 'Add Product' screen without saving changes.
The product will be saved, and you will stay on it.
The product will be saved, and you will be taken to a blank new product page to be filled out
The product will be saved and you will return to a table that shows the summary of all entered products.This is the suggested next step if there is only 1 product in the notification.
2. Summary of Products
Once you have pressed 'summary of products' you will be taken to a screen that looks like this.
This is a list of all products added to the notification. From here you can edit, copy or delete the existing product using the following respective icons.
You are also able to add another product from this screen.
When you are finished added products, simply click on any of the screens offered on the left hand menu or press the 'Next' or 'Previous' button.
Version 1.3: Last updated 10 August 2017