
Complete User Guide: Creating a Notification

Please watch the video below in the first instance. Please see below the video for more in-depth information.

If you have any questions or require any clarification on the information below, please don't hesitate to give the Support Team a call on 0800 10 23 56.



Creating and sending out a notification

Only an 'Initiator' user can create a notification. You will know you are an Initiator if you can see 'Create a Notification' button.

You must fill out several screens relating to the nature of the recall or withdrawal. All screens have both mandatory and optional fields to fill out. A notification cannot be sent out until all mandatory fields have been completed and at least one recipient has been added. The last step in the process is for the company to internally approve and issue their notification.

Important Note: Some recipients such as Foodstuffs North and South Island like to be aware of notifications coming through the system as soon as possible. See this link for more information on communication requirements.

  • Step 1 - Initiator User logs in to ProductRecallNZ Portal and on the 'Initiated Notifications' screen, selects 'Create a Notification'.

  • Step 2 - Fill out the required information on each screen and select 'Next' on the bottom left of your screen to save and move to the next screen. You can also navigate to a specific screen using the left-hand menu links.


The red flags visible on the left hand menu image indicate how many mandatory fields are not yet completed. These mandatory fields must be completed before the notification can be submitted for approval and issued. 

Please Note: Each screen has a separate Help Centre article. Please click the hyperlinks to be taken to specific help for each template-

  1. Notification Details
  2. Products
  3. Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) - this screen only appears if notification to MPI is selected on the Notification Details screen. The MPI information can be completed and sent immediately to MPI while the user continues to create their notification.
  4. Instructions
  5. Contacts
  6. Subscribed Recipients - The notification must be sent to at least one subscribed and/or non-subscribed recipient.
  7. Non-Subscribed Recipients - The notification must be sent to at least one subscribed and/or non-subscribed recipient.
  8. Additional Information - this form will only appear if certain recipients that require additional information in the event of a recall or withdrawal are selected.
  9. Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) - this form only appears if notification to MBIE is selected on the Notification Details screen..
  10. Submit Page - This is where the user will submit the notification for approval by an 'Approver' type user. See below this link for summary details of submitting and going live with your notification.

Once the screens have all been completed and a minimum of every mandatory field has been filled in, the Initiator user is able to submit the notification for approval.

Note: If you are an Initiator only, a 'Cancel Submission' button will appear below the notification title. When this is selected, the notification returns to draft status and can be edited and re-submitted for approval.

  • Step 3 -  The Approver User approves or rejects Notification.
  • If the Initiator user also holds an Approver role, there is no need to log out. You simply return to the 'Initiated Notifications' screen and select the button 'Approve/Reject'. 

Select 'Approve/Reject'

Review the notification then select Approve or Reject (To reject a notification, you must provide a reason.)

  • Step 3A - If the Approver rejects a notification: They must provide a reason for rejection. Once they have rejected a notification, it returns to draft status and an email is sent to the Initiator user notifying them of the reason for rejection. The Initiator must make changes and then re-submit for approval. 
  • Step 3B - If the Approver approves a notification: Upon Approval the notification will 'go live' and be sent out the the specified recipients. 


Step 4 - Once the notification has 'Gone Live', the Approver user will be returned to the 'Initiated Notifications' Page and will see a 'Live' status next to the notification. The notification is instantly sent out to any users set up to receive 'Submitted' and 'Issued' messaging. They are notified via email and/or SMS that prompts them to login and take action.  

Further Actions

 Version 1.3: Last updated January 2018

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