This is a walk-through guide of how to fill out the "Contacts" template while creating a new notification.
The contacts on this form are the people who will be contacted by receivers of the notification. It is very important to make sure these contacts are relevant to the specific notification and will be able to be contacted immediately after this notification is issued to recipients It is required to have a 'coordinator' with a mobile number as a minimum. You can assign contacts to the following roles:
Customer services
If there are mandatory fields still required on the 'Contacts' template, please press the edit button on the far right hand side of the Contacts Table. This will allow you to update details and fill in any missing mandatory fields.
To add a contact, click the 'Add a User' button and fill in all mandatory fields.
To delete a contact, click the delete (rubbish bin) icon on the far right of the Contacts Table.
Important Note: All changes made on this screen as specific for this notification and will not be updated in the organisation's account. To add users as contacts, please see this link about adding a user as a contact.
Version 1: Last updated November 2016