Are you having trouble logging into the ProductRecallNZ System?
- Step 1: Click here to be taken to the portal: - We advise bookmarking this page for future use.
- Step 2: Enter your details and press 'login'. If a red error message appears, you may have forgotten your password. (see screenshot below.)
(NB: Your 'Username' is most commonly your email or your first and last names, e.g. '' or 'John Doe').
- Step 3: Click 'Forgot your Password?' to be taken to a screen where you will need to enter your ProductRecallNZ username to generate an email.
- Step 4: If you have entered the correct username that is attached to your ProductRecallNZ account, you should receive an email with a reset link.
- Step 5: Click the link in the email, you will be taken to the password reset page. You must enter your username again.
- Step 6: You will then be prompted to enter a new password which must be at least 8 characters long, including at least 1 number and one special character (? ! @ # $ _ )
- Step 7: Click 'reset password' once you have entered your username, new password and written the password again in the 'confirm password' field.
- Step 7: You will now be returned to the login page, where you can login using your new password.
If you still cannot log in, please call or email the GS1 Support Team at:
Version 2: Last updated on 17 October 2018