If you have an account with GS1 New Zealand log in to order barcode verifications or product photography.
If you are a not a member and applying for the first time please use this form for an account to be created for you.
Note that Verification Reports created by GS1 Australia are valid in New Zealand.
Barcode verification orders are completed within your MyGS1 account.
Log into MyGS1 and follow the instructions below:
Note: if you do not have login details contact your account administrator or call GS1 on 0800 10 23 56.
In the main menu, either
select Barcodes then select Verify your Barcode scans then select Order a Verification Report OR
select Product Photography OR
If the above options are not available in your menu, select Home then scroll down to the bottom of the screen to this box and select Apply Now
On the order screen you can enter the barcode details.
Step 1: Select one of the following options
I have a new product that I wish to market
I have a change (product change, pack change, price change) to an existing product
I want GS1 to complete an Interim Barcode Verification (Art / Mock Up)
I want GS1 to complete a Barcode Verification Report
I want GS1 to take images of my product
I want both a barcode verification report and images taken of my product
Step 2: Enter the Product GTIN etc
If the Previous verifications prompt appears, press Continue
Step 3: Select the trading partner you require or Prepare me for anyone.
Note: If you choose a Foodstuffs company or Prepare me for anyone, the Foodstuffs requirement for photographing the marketing face(s) and 3D will be triggered. This means that where there is another face on the product that might also be used for marketing this will be photographed also, incurring the cost of another shot.
Step 4: Don't select anything just go next
A prompt will appear confirming your selection. Press Confirm
Step 5: Fill in the product information
Step 6: Decide if you want the product returned or disposed of
Step 7: Select what you want to do next such as entering other products or sending in the application now.
Push the SUBMIT button.
An email confirming your request will be sent to you.
Please print this email and include it with the samples you send in to us for testing.
If sending artwork, please reply to the confirmation email and attach your PDF with dimensions* to the email and send it to verify@gs1nz.org
We'd also like to know what the barcode will be printed on (corrugated cardboard, label etc)
Version 1.3 – Updated 09 Feb 2021